How Spine Damage Causes Back Pain

Having pain in the lower back is a very common problem. According to an article on, lower (back pain) can point to a problem with the musculoskeletal system. A damaged spine is often the cause of lower (back pain). The bones in the spine (backbone or vertebrae), disks and the ligaments and muscles that […]
5 Conditions That Mimic Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is described as a condition that is accompanied by musculoskeletal pain on a large scale, coupled with memory lapses, amnesia, and/or fatigue. Patients diagnosed with Fibromyalgia will experience severe back pain. Fibromyalgia can be triggered by factors such as psychological stress, physical trauma, infection, or surgery. On the other hand, the symptoms of Fibromyalgia […]
The Causes of Osteoporosis and Its Symptoms

Osteoporosis is a condition that causes the bones become brittle, and weak. This brittleness can be so severe that even harmless actions such as coughing or bending over can lead to fractures. Most fractures caused by osteoporosis occur in the wrists or hips. But osteoporosis can also lead to vertebral fractures that cause severe back […]
The Causes and Symptoms of Spinal Infections

What are spinal infections? Spinal Infections develop in tissue areas that surround the spinal cord. These diseases affect the paraspinal muscle, the vertebral body, and the intervertebral disk. If you suspect that you have symptoms of these infections, call Spine Center of Texas today to schedule an appointment at one of our offices in San […]
Types of Spondylosis, Their Symptoms, and Causes

Even before visiting Spine Center of Texas, it is in your best interest to know and understand the different types of Spondylosis. These forms of Spondylosis are referred to according to the areas of the body that they affect. Apart from the most common cervical Spondylosis, the other types are lumbar and thoracic Spondylosis. Cervical […]
Vertebral Compression Fractures

Vertebral compression fractures or VCF occur when the block-like sections of the spine or vertebra collapse or break. These fractures often lead to extreme pain, height loss, and deformity. In most cases, these fractures are prevalent in the lower section of the thoracic spine. The collapsing of the vertebrae might cause fragments of bone to […]
Symptoms and Diagnosis of Lumbar Herniated Disc

Pain in the lower back is a sign of a lumbar herniated disc. There are other symptoms that are associated with the spine problem. There is no telling when a lowerback pain will happen.And, when it does the culprit might just be a disc that has ruptured. However, having a lower back pain does not […]
How Vertebral Disc Damage Can Lead to Cervical Disc Herniation

One type of spine damage is cervical disc herniation. The conditionis caused by a ruptured vertebral disc in the neck, according to an article on A herniated vertebral disc allows the disc material to press against spinal nerves. What exactly is a vertebral disc? And, what factors cause a vertebral disc to rupture? This […]
Common Thoracic Injuries and Treatment Options

Thoracic pain can happen at any time of life and occurs in people who are healthy as well as those who may have a serious spinal condition. Studies show that females, particularly children, and adolescents, have the highest incidence of thoracic problems. Injuries to this area can be caused by trauma, or muscle strain or […]
Spinal Vertebrae: Anatomy, Function, and Common Conditions

Spinal vertebrae are flat surfaced bones with a round shape that form the spinal column. There are a total of 34 vertebrae, and 24 of them are separate bones. The ten vertebrae that make up the sacrum and coccyx at the lowest end of the spine are each fused. Vertebrae very in shape and depending […]
Spinal Nerves: Anatomy, Function, and Common Conditions

The spinal nerves relay autonomic, motor, and sensory information from the spinal cord to the rest of the body. Individual nerves consist of fibers from the dorsal and ventral roots. 31 pairs are distributed to the five segments of the spinal column: Cervical (neck) – eight pairs Thoracic (upper back) – 12 pairs Lumbar (low […]
When To Call Spine Center of Texas

If you have been thinking about visiting a doctor to take care of that constant back pain, then you are not alone. Many people today have had to live with consistent pain and discomfort, especially in the back and neck regions. With a broad and confusing array of back pains and equal and numerous treatment […]