Post Laminectomy, syndrome, sometimes called failed surgery back syndrome happens when symptoms are unresolved or return after the procedure has taken place. Unfortunately, up to 20% of people who undergo back surgery suffer from this condition. The primary complaint is pain in the area of the surgery that has not improved.

Symptoms of post-laminectomy syndrome include:

There are a wide variety of causes that can contribute to post-laminectomy syndrome. Some of the most common are:

In some instances, the root of the spinal nerve does not heal completely after surgery and pain is still present.

A physician’s complete review of medical history and symptoms in combination with a comprehensive physical assessment is necessary to diagnose post-laminectomy syndrome correctly. Testing such as an x-ray, MRI, CT, EMG, and nerve conduction studies will offer the information needed to support the findings.

Treatment of post-laminectomy syndrome centers around pain management, with an effort made to handle the condition without further surgery. Once pain is under control with medication, physical therapy can start. If the pain continues to interfere with the individual’s ability to function normally, the physician can prescribe either an epidural, nerve block or facet joint injection. If these therapies fall short of treatment goals, the choice of an implantable spinal stimulator or radiofrequency ablation may be appropriate.

If you have been dealing with pain from post-laminectomy syndrome and would like to discuss the treatment options we provide, please call us at either our New Braunfels or Seguin offices.