Pain in the Back and Other Parts of The Body from Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia does not only cause (back pain), it is a medical condition that causes pain throughout the body, according to an article on In addition, the article states that the symptoms of fibromyalgia can begin suddenly. The article offers valuable information about the medical condition that causes back pain and other types of body […]
Back Pain and Fibromyalgia

(Back pain) can be a symptom of the medical condition fibromyalgia. Having back pain is not a very comfortable feeling. The problem inhibits people to function normally in daily activities. However, experiencing back pain does not necessarily mean that the problem is directly related to fibromyalgia. Fibromyalgia is a much more serious health issue. An […]
Radiculopathy and its Causes

Radiculopathy is a condition that can trigger (back pain) and other types of pain. Radiculopathy is defined as a condition that is caused by nerve compression, injury, or inflammation. These factors trigger (back pain) and leg pain. This blog post offers an explanation of the condition and its causes. Lumbar Radiculopathy Radiculopathy can affect any […]
What It Is Like to Suffer From Neuropathic Pain

Chronic neuropathic pain, which is a condition related to (back pain), can keep someone from functioning normally. Many people around the world is suffering from the condition. According to, the chronic neuropathic pain has affected around 10 percent of people across the globe. The condition that results in nerve damage is also known as […]
Three Types of Lower Back Pain

Experiencing lower back pain usually means that there is a problem in the spine. According to an article on, there are three types of lower back pain: local pain, radiating pain and referred pain. And, each type of lower back pain could be a result of certain health issues. Local Pain The type of […]
How Spine Damage Causes Back Pain

Having pain in the lower back is a very common problem. According to an article on, lower (back pain) can point to a problem with the musculoskeletal system. A damaged spine is often the cause of lower (back pain). The bones in the spine (backbone or vertebrae), disks and the ligaments and muscles that […]
Thoracic Pain Due to Bad Posture

Bad posture is one of the causes why people suffer from thoracic pain. According to an article on thoracic pain are pain and stiffness that are located in the upper and mid back areas of the body. Furthermore, thoracic pain injuries are problems that people experience because of their occupation or activities. How is […]
Back Pain Caused By Nervous System Damage

Experiencing (back pain) can have underlying causes and must not be ignored. One serious medical condition that often has back pain as a symptom is peripheral neuropathy. According to an article on, peripheral neuropathy is a condition in which damage is present in the peripheral nervous system. The part of the nervous system is […]
Debunking 5 Common Myths about Scoliosis

Scoliosis, which affects both sexes, is an abnormal lateral spine curvature. Scoliosis is associated with severe back pain that can be debilitating. In its advanced phases, this condition can bring about a severe deformity of the spine. Minimally invasive spine surgery is one of the advanced techniques that spine specialists are using to correct this […]
Spinal Ligaments – All you Kneed to Know

Ligaments are dense strips of connective tissue that join two bones together. The vertebral column has a series of fourteen primary spinal ligaments that provide stability during motion and inactivity. These ligaments also help to protect the spinal muscles, bones, and inter-vertebral discs from injury due to movement beyond the normal range of motion. Six […]
Common Lumbar Injuries

The lumbar (low back) region of the spine is an area of the body where people frequently experience injury and pain. According to statistics from the Global Burden of Disease in 2010, low back pain is the greatest cause of disability worldwide. Low back injuries are the second most common reason that individuals seek medical […]
Understanding Sacroiliac Joint Syndrome

According to Physiopedia, Sacroiliac joint syndrome is one of the primary causes of pain to a significant number of people suffering from lower back pain. This condition affects the buttocks and the lower back, and the ensuing pain can result from injury or damage to the joint dividing the hip and spine. It is crucial […]