For many doctors, the success of any pain treatment depends on how they are able to accurately treat the root cause of the pain. It is therefore important that you, the patient, is able to accurately and precisely describe the pain to your doctor. If you’re battling invisible pain such as fibromyalgia, CRPS (complex regions pain syndrome), RSD (reflex sympathetic dystrophy), diabetic neuropathy, or chronic pain after cancer treatment, accurately describing the location, frequency, and depth of the discomfort can be quite a challenge. Spine Center of Texas lists down some key points that will help your doctor understand what, where, when, and how much pain you are feeling:

It will also be helpful for patients to have a pain journal so they can document a week-long pain cycle before they meet with their pain management, chiropractic, or alternative medicine team. They can jot down any treatments or actions that lessen or increase your discomfort. For example,  hot showers or cold weather makes the pain feel worse, but Epsom salt baths or exercise lessens the pain. By being prepared, you can assure that your time with the doctor can be better spent focusing on solutions that will help you return to the life you’ve been missing.