
Back Pain, Diabetic, Spine Center
Back Pain Doctor San Antonio New Braunfels Seguin TX | Spine Center of Texas

The 4 Main Types of Diabetic Neuropathy

Diabetic Neuropathy is a severe condition arising from diabetes. The high blood sugar in diabetes patients leads to severe nerve damage, especially in the legs, feet, toes, arms, and hands. Typical symptoms of this condition include digestive problems plus pain and numbness in the limbs. But in other patients, Diabetic

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herniated disc, back pain
Back Pain Doctor San Antonio New Braunfels Seguin TX | Spine Center of Texas

Herniated Discs: Understanding The Symptoms and Causes

A lot of patients over 50 have come out of their orthopedist’s office with the knowledge that the weakness or numbness or pain that they’ve been experiencing is directly related to the natural progressive weakening of the spine. This could mean that they are developing any one of a number

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back injury, work injuries
Back Pain Doctor San Antonio New Braunfels Seguin TX | Spine Center of Texas

Avoiding Back Pain Injuries at Work

From a Federal Bureau of Labor Statistics report, back injury accounts for nearly a fifth of all illnesses and injuries at work. Interestingly, onlycommon cold surpasses back pain in terms of the most common reasons people take time off from their workplaces. By practicing safe workplace habits and with the

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bone marrow, back pain, spine
Back Pain Doctor San Antonio New Braunfels Seguin TX | Spine Center of Texas

Explaining Osteomyelitis

What is Osteomyelitis? Osteomyelitis is a rare but quite severe inflammation or infection of the bone or bone marrow. In most cases, these infections reach the bones through the bloodstream, through a fracture or even after surgery. Many Osteomyelitis cases develop due to an open wound. As the back pain

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spine center of texas, back pain
Back Pain Doctor San Antonio New Braunfels Seguin TX | Spine Center of Texas

Is It Time To Consult a Spine Surgeon?

If you have been thinking about visiting a doctor to take care of that constant back pain, then you are not alone. Many people today have had to live with consistent pain and discomfort, especially in the back and neck regions. With a broad and confusing array of back pain

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Spine Center, Pain Management
Diabetic neuropathy

Four Types of Diabetic Neuropathy

Diabetes can create problems in the nerves of the body. According to an article on, nerve damage caused by diabetes is painful. The condition in which diabetes is already causing pain in the nerves is described as diabetic neuropathy. Neuropathy that occurs as a result of a person’s blood

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collarbone, back pain, spine center, back surgery
Back Pain Doctor San Antonio New Braunfels Seguin TX | Spine Center of Texas

Thoracic Outlet Syndrome – Overview, Causes, and Symptoms

Overview Thoracic outlet syndrome describes several disorders that occur if the blood vessels (veins and arteries) and nerves in the space between your thoracic outlet (first rib) and the collarbone are compressed, irritated, or injured. In general, these conditions affect the upper chest region and the lower back. If you

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spine deformity, back pain, back surgery
acute low back pain

Vertebral Compression Fractures

Vertebral compression fractures or VCF occur when the block-like sections of the spine or vertebra collapse or break. These fractures often lead to extreme pain, height loss, and deformity. In most cases, these fractures are prevalent in the lower section of the thoracic spine. The collapsing of the vertebrae might

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Back Pain
acute low back pain

How Vertebral Disc Damage Can Lead to Cervical Disc Herniation

One type of spine damage is cervical disc herniation. The conditionis caused by a ruptured vertebral disc in the neck, according to an article on A herniated vertebral disc allows the disc material to press against spinal nerves. What exactly is a vertebral disc? And, what factors cause a

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pain management
Leg Pain Treatment

Understanding Two Types of Radiculopathy: Cervical and Lumbar

Spine damage can result in radiculopathy. According to an article on, a pinched nerve in the spine can occur because of changes in the surrounding bones and cartilage. Factors that bring about such changes in these two areas are either spine injury and spine wear and tear. Thechanges in

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Back Pain, Spine Center of Texas
Back Pain Doctor San Antonio New Braunfels Seguin TX | Spine Center of Texas

Muscle and Bone Pain in Different Areas of the Body: Symptoms and Diagnosis of Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is a health conditionthat affects multiple sites in the body. The symptoms of the chronic or long-term condition, according to, is described as having pain in the muscles and bones, which is  known as musculoskeletal pain. A person suffering from the condition also experiences having areas of tenderness

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risk factors associated with back pain
Back Pain Doctor San Antonio New Braunfels Seguin TX | Spine Center of Texas

Risk Factors Associated With Back Pain

Back pain can start at any age and can be caused by a number of situations or conditions. In this post we will cover some of those causes as well as risk factors patients should be aware of. If you are currently experiencing pain in your back, it’s important to

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