Is It Time To Consult a Spine Surgeon?

spine center of texas, back pain

If you have been thinking about visiting a doctor to take care of that constant back pain, then you are not alone. Many people today have had to live with consistent pain and discomfort, especially in the back and neck regions. With a broad and confusing array of back pain symptoms and an equal or […]

Neck Pain – Symptoms & Causes

neck pain, spine center of texas

Overview If you were to ask one of the doctors at Spine Center of Texas about the number of patients with neck pain that have come into their practice, you would be blown away! Neck pain is a pretty common complaint. In many cases, there is no cause for alarm regarding neck pain, sometimes it […]

Four Types of Diabetic Neuropathy

Spine Center, Pain Management

Diabetes can create problems in the nerves of the body. According to an article on, nerve damage caused by diabetes is painful. The condition in which diabetes is already causing pain in the nerves is described as diabetic neuropathy. Neuropathy that occurs as a result of a person’s blood sugar being too high for […]

Gain Knowledge About Cortisone Injections

Cortisone Injections, sometimes referred to as steroid shots, are used to help treat inflammation and pain in various parts of the of the body. Most commonly shots are injected into joints and consist of a corticosteroid and a local anesthetic. Despite many risks, Cortisone shots can be an excellent option for individuals to find relief […]

When To Call Spine Center of Texas


If you have been thinking about visiting a doctor to take care of that constant back pain, then you are not alone. Many people today have had to live with consistent pain and discomfort, especially in the back and neck regions. With a broad and confusing array of back pains and equal and numerous treatment […]

Low Back Pain? Try Medial Branch Block!

Low Back Pain? Try Medial Branch Block! Spine Center of Texas

If your low back pain is coming from an inflamed or irritated lumbar facet joint, then Medial Branch Block may be just the right treatment for you. What is a lumbar facet joint? Our spine’s lumbar region (found in the lower back) has exactly 5 vertebrae. Lumbar facet joints connect these vertebrae to the side […]

What is Medial Branch Block?

What is Medial Branch Block? Spine Center of Texas

Medial branch block is a minimally invasive procedure that is performed to stop the pain signals received by the facet joint from the medial branch nerves. It uses an anesthetic agent and steroid to interrupt the sensory nerve supply to the facet joint. This procedure provides long-term back pain relief. Medial branch block is also […]