Is It Time To Consult a Spine Surgeon?

If you have been thinking about visiting a doctor to take care of that constant back pain, then you are not alone. Many people today have had to live with consistent pain and discomfort, especially in the back and neck regions. With a broad and confusing array of back pain symptoms and an equal or […]
The Causes of Osteoporosis and Its Symptoms

Osteoporosis is a condition that causes the bones become brittle, and weak. This brittleness can be so severe that even harmless actions such as coughing or bending over can lead to fractures. Most fractures caused by osteoporosis occur in the wrists or hips. But osteoporosis can also lead to vertebral fractures that cause severe back […]
The Causes Radiculopathy Cervical Radiculopathy

What Is Cervical Radiculopathy? Cervical Radiculopathy is a disease that is marked by disturbance, compression, inflammation, or damage of nerves in the cervical vertebrae. The compression of the nerves might be brought about by the formation of bone spurs or herniated discs, and it causes neurological functions to change. When the nerves in the cervical […]
Vertebral Compression Fractures

Vertebral compression fractures or VCF occur when the block-like sections of the spine or vertebra collapse or break. These fractures often lead to extreme pain, height loss, and deformity. In most cases, these fractures are prevalent in the lower section of the thoracic spine. The collapsing of the vertebrae might cause fragments of bone to […]
The Spinal Cord: Anatomy, Function, and Common Injuries

The spinal cord is a long section of nerve tissue that begins at the brain’s base. It extends down through the spinal canal and ends between the first and second lumbar (low back) vertebrae. From there, it separates into several long, thin fibers called the cauda equina, which reach down to the coccyx (tailbone), then […]
When To Call Spine Center of Texas

If you have been thinking about visiting a doctor to take care of that constant back pain, then you are not alone. Many people today have had to live with consistent pain and discomfort, especially in the back and neck regions. With a broad and confusing array of back pains and equal and numerous treatment […]
Get Relief From Compression Fractures With Kyphoplasty

When part of the vertebrae, the bone spine, collapses, the condition is termed as a compression fracture. Sometimes, more than one spine fracture can occur which is known as multiple compression fractures. The main reason behind these fractures are trauma, injury, age, and harsh physical activities that may need treatments like kyphoplasty and minimal invasive […]
Stellate Ganglion Block as an Effective Treatment for RSD
Reflex sympathetic dystrophy (RSD) is a condition with symptoms such as having a painful extremity that can also swell, and is associated with sweating, discoloration, flushing, and shiny skin. The symptoms of RSD can occur in the acute, dystrophic, or atrophic stages. While symptoms of RSD can easily be detected and clinical findings with radiological […]
Kyphoplasty as a Solution to Compression Fractures

Compression fractures are painful and progressive, and many people who suffer from a compression fracture have also suffered from the change it brings to their lifestyle. However, thanks to kyphoplasty, the lives of people living with a compression fracture have improved significantly. The life-changing procedure is now becoming more common, as there is an increase […]
An Overview of Posterior Lumbar Decompression and Interbody Fusion

Posterior Lumbar Decompression and Interbody Fusion (PLIF) is an invasive surgical technique whereby a bone graft is inserted into the lower section of the spine between two vertebrae to relieve low back pain. Surgeons have performed the procedure since the 1950’s. Research has proven it to be a safe and efficient choice for treating several […]
Kyphoplasty and Associated Risks
Kyphoplasty is a procedure that provides treatment to a broken vertebra(e) of the spinal column. People who undergo the procedure are those that have vertebral fractures. Fractures in these bones can be a result of osteoporosis, which is a condition that involves thinning of the bones. Accidents are another leading cause of broken vertebrae. If […]
Kyphoplasty Procedure
Kyphoplasty is an effective treatment for spinal fractures. Relief from pain, improvement of posture, and the ability to return to normal activities are the benefits a patient will receive if he or she undergoes the procedure. Getting Ready A patient will need to meet with a doctor prior to the procedure to have a physical […]