14,000 patients around the world who undergo spinal cord stimulator implants annually. Spinal cord stimulation or SCS is a form of neuromodulation treatment that delivers mild electric stimulation to the nerves found along the spinal column. The electric stimulation modifies nerve activity in order to lessen the pain sensation reaching the brain.

First used to treat pain in the 1960s, improvements in battery and microprocessor power, as well as the ability to integrate position sensors, made it one of the most effective ways to treat chronic pain. SCS was approved by the FDA in 1989 and now avmunts to about 70% of all neuromodulation treatments. This percentage is expected to grow in the future.

SCS is a popular treatment choice for people who experience chronic pain after back surgery, as well as schema or inadequate body circulation. Other SCS benefits include:

Studies revealed that more than 60% of patients who underwent SCS experience as much as 50-70% less pain. This large percentage enables many patients to resume their day-to-day activities and achieve a better quality of life. SCS is often recommended before attempting a second back surgery for herniated disks or fractured vertebrae. SCS can also be used for:

If you have more questions about spinal cord stimulation, don’t hesitate to contact Spine Center of Texas.