What is Causing My Back Pain?

What Is Causing My Back Pain? Spine Center of Texas

There is an estimated 80% of American adults who will experience some form of back pain at any point of their lives. This is a temporary phenomenon that is often associated with full recovery without having to undergo significant medical attention. However, there is a considerable percentage of patients who will develop sever symptoms that […]

Spine Center of Texas Treatment Series: Kyphoplasty

Spine Center of Texas Treatment Series Kyphoplasty

Thousands of Americans suffering from compression fractures have greatly benefited from a revolutionary procedure called kyphoplasty.When a person’s spine fractures, it can cause pain that progresses over time. This compression fracture can lead to kyphosis, a postural deformity wherein the spine turns into an abnormal c- shape. Kyphosis can progress and cause retropulsion (loss of […]