Is It Time To Consult a Spine Surgeon?

spine center of texas, back pain

If you have been thinking about visiting a doctor to take care of that constant back pain, then you are not alone. Many people today have had to live with consistent pain and discomfort, especially in the back and neck regions. With a broad and confusing array of back pain symptoms and an equal or […]

Spinal Nerves: Anatomy, Function, and Common Conditions

back pain, spine center, back surgery

The spinal nerves relay autonomic, motor, and sensory information from the spinal cord to the rest of the body. Individual nerves consist of fibers from the dorsal and ventral roots. 31 pairs are distributed to the five segments of the spinal column: Cervical (neck) – eight pairs Thoracic (upper back) – 12 pairs Lumbar (low […]

When To Call Spine Center of Texas


If you have been thinking about visiting a doctor to take care of that constant back pain, then you are not alone. Many people today have had to live with consistent pain and discomfort, especially in the back and neck regions. With a broad and confusing array of back pains and equal and numerous treatment […]

The Sacroiliac Joint: Anatomy, Function, and Common Conditions

Sacroiliac Joint

The sacroiliac joint is a junction in the pelvis where the sacrum and ileum join. This connection has a fine covering of cartilage that protects both bones. The rough texture of each bone’s surface allows them to interlink and provide motion at the point of contact. The sacroiliac is a synovial joint, which means that […]