Sciatica and Surgery

Sciatica and Surgery Spine Center of Texas San Antonio

Sciatica surgery involves removing disc herniation, which causes the pain associated with the said affliction. Treating sciatica primarily aims to ease any leg pain and other related symptoms. If conservative care fails to elevate the pain, then surgical discectomy may provide the effective relief for many sciatica cases. Though further studies need to be conducted […]

Sciatica Diagnosis and Prognosis

Sciatica Diagnosis and Prognosis Spine Center of Texas

Diagnosing sciatica is largely based on taking a patient’s history and making him an undergo physical examination. The patient will be advised to do diagnostic imaging to reveal any infection or malignancies when there are “red flags” or indications that other underlying diseases may be the cause for a person’s sciatica. Patients who have persistent […]

Sciatica Facts and Figures

Sciatica Facts and Figures Spine Center of Texas San Antonio

Many people become afflicted with sciatica. Patients who have sciatica report some sort of radiating pain in the leg and difficulty in moving the affected area. Some patients undergo primary care treatment, while some may be referred to secondary care leading to surgical procedures. Lumbosacral radicular syndrome, ischias, nerve root pain, and nerve root entrapment […]