Experiencing lower back pain usually means that there is a problem in the spine. According to an article on MerckManuals.com, there are three types of lower back pain: local pain,  radiating pain and referred pain. And, each type of lower back pain could be a result of certain health issues.

Local Pain

The type of pain, which is the most common among the three, affects a specific area of the lower back. The pain can be constant and aching pain or intermittent and sharp. The pain is sudden if it is a result of an injury. Changes in position may aggravate or relieve the pain. The pain may be sore, and muscle spasms may occur.

Other causes of having local pain in the back are as follows:

Radiating Pain

The type of pain is described as pain that starts from the lower back and travels to the leg. The level of pain ranges from a dull ache to pain that is sharp and  intense. The pain usually only affects the area from the back or the side of the leg down to the knee or the foot.

Radiating pain usually occurs because of a compression of a nerve root brought about by the following conditions:

Referred Pain

The type of pain occurs in a location that is different from that of the cause of pain. A person who experiences a heart attack, for example, may feel pain in the left arm. Referred pain caused by a problem in an internal organ is felt in the lower back, with the pain described as deep and aching.

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