Spine Injuries In Football

back injury, spine injury, spine doctor

Spine Injuries In Football Spine injuries in football are extremely common in young athletes. Football appeals to our ancient need to engage in contests. Unfortunately, the high-velocity tackles exerted with player-to-player, and player-to-ground contact often results in frequent and grave injuries. Cervical spine injuries are a serious consequence of playing the game. American football has […]

Back Injuries In Sports

lower back injuries, sports injuries, spine doctor, pain management, spine surgery

Lower Back Injuries In Sports Lower back injuries are as a result of sports movements that can place the low back in a variety of compromised positions. Sports like golf and hitting in baseball present a perfect case in point. Each relies heavily on generating a rotational force. Sports such as weight lifting place heavy […]

Melorheostosis and Treatment Options: An Overview

spine treatment options, back pain, back surgery

Melorheostosis is a rare and progressive condition that affects bone formation in various areas of the skeleton. In unusual instances, the disease also affects the spine. Although it impacts soft tissue formation, it has no relation to cancer. Melorheostosis can develop in both children and adults, with equal prevalence in men and women. The exact […]

The Coccyx: When your tailbone hurts

coccyx back pain, pain management, spine center

Coccyx: Understanding the Tailbone Coccyx, generally known as the tailbone, is a combination of three to five distinct bones. These bones form by adulthood. The coccyx is located at the bottom of the spinal column. The bones are not fully fused, and allow a minimum amount of movement because of ligaments and fibrous joints. The […]

Diffuse Idiopathic Skeletal Hyperostosis (DISH)and Treatment Options: An Overview

spine doctor, spine treatment options, pain management

Diffuse Idiopathic Skeletal Hyperostosis: What is DIHS? Diffuse Idiopathic Skeletal Hyperostosis (DISH) is a skeletal condition in which new bone formation occurs at the junction between ligaments and tendons, and bone. Additionally, bone overgrowth and hardening also take place. Notably, DISH arises most often in the spine and does not always cause symptoms. However, for […]

The Sacrum: Anatomy, Function, and Common Conditions

the sacrum, spine center, back pain, pain management

Understanding The Sacrum The sacrum is a large triangle-shaped vertebra at the lower end of the spine. It is created when the sacral vertebrae S1 – S5 fuse between the ages of 18 and 30. The sacrum forms the pelvis by joining with the hip bones, which gives the spine a strong base of support. […]

Treatment of Lumbar Synovial Cysts

back treatment options

What are Lumbar Synovial Cysts? A lumbar synovial cyst is a sac full of fluid that forms in the lower section of the spinal column. Most of these growths form due to the breakdown of a facet joint, which is part of a vertebral bone. Synovial cysts are not cancerous and are often stable for […]

The Sacroiliac Joint: Anatomy, Function, and Common Conditions

Sacroiliac Joint

The sacroiliac joint is a junction in the pelvis where the sacrum and ileum join. This connection has a fine covering of cartilage that protects both bones. The rough texture of each bone’s surface allows them to interlink and provide motion at the point of contact. The sacroiliac is a synovial joint, which means that […]

The Lumbar Spine: Anatomy, Function, and Common Injuries

Lumbar Spine

The lumbar spine is the section of vertebrae located in the lower back, in the bottom third of the spinal column. This section consists of five vertebrae (L1-L5) at the point the spine bends inward toward the abdomen. The lumbar spine links to the thoracic spine at the top and the sacral spine at the […]

The Thoracic Spine: Anatomy, Function, and Common Injuries

Spinal stenosis and back pain San Antonio

The Thoracic spine consists of 12 vertebrae (T1-T12) and is located in the upper and mid back. The top of the thoracic spine links with the cervical spine and the bottom joins with the lumbar spine. The discs between each vertebra are thinner than those in the cervical and lumbar regions; there is less shock […]

Preventative Back Care: What You Should Know

Strength and motivation.

Chronic back problems are a common ailment affecting people in the United States. Back injuries cause pain, interfere with activities of daily living, and can limit the ability of individuals to perform necessary work-related tasks. However, many incidents that lead to injury can be reduced and even eliminated by following a basic plan of preventative […]

An Overview of Lumbar Synovial Cysts and Treatment Options

Senior Man Exercising In Park

A lumbar synovial cyst is a sac filled with fluid that forms in the lower section of the spinal column. Most of these growths form due to the breakdown of a facet joint, which is part of a vertebral bone. Synovial cysts are not cancerous and are often stable for years. In rare instances, if […]